Silence can be disturbing when your heart is aching
Yet it seems like I am on the outside looking in
As I lose myself amidst this sea of unfamiliar faces
On my way home I realise that the mocking sky of crimson stirs up an obscure sense of fear
I am starting to dread
Knowing that there will be no 'Us' tomorrow
In fact, you were already gone yesterday
This disorganized array of emotions disorientate me
My mind clings on frantically to every perplexing and surreal feeling
Hoping that the last shreds of consciousness can keep my soul from dissipating into the chilly air
The seductive perfume of this oncoming rain prompts my recollections
Of the time you quieted my anxieties with your assurance that "everything will be ok"
Or when you said you loved me even if I said stupid things
Or the stern expression of your face as you lecture me to better myself
It must have been love, though it is over
There will always be regret
Of questions unanswered, doubts and suspicion
The biggest part of it all is of losing you
Everything will be ok maybe starting tomorrow
Or this vicious cycle might continue to get in the way of my recovering sanity
Can anyone help
Save this little bit left of me
Or tell me who I used to be if it gets too painful to recall
Maybe it is too late for apologies or reconstructive quantum
Maybe my hope is in your forgiveness to make me whole again
Maybe too many maybes is the answer to why you left me
But I shall never know
Until maybe when you come back to me
Will you, maybe?
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